
I’ve been thinking about my personal productivity lately. There are three things that are making me worried. I’m moving into a new position at work that will be more time demanding and (presumably) have more meetings. I’m not getting enough domestic stuff done, although this is a long standing problem. Recently, I passed some magical email threshold where I’m suddenly not sure that I’m responding to all of the mail that I need to.

ski report

Again, from the better-late-than-never file (imagine that it is really February 8th) So, I’m here in Whistler, BC, finishing up a ski vacation. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten to take my camera anywhere, so I don’t have any pictures. (Others did, however.) On Friday, I landed in Seattle, met my friends John, Xine, and Andrew and drove up to Whistler. After some excruciating traffic around Vancouver, we arrive. The first skiing related thing that I realize is that I forgot my goggles.

heard at dinner

From the better-late-than-never file… I’m on vacation. Conversations here are entertaining. If human-animal hybrid research is banned in America, then all of the human-animal research will move to Canada! There will be a human-animal hybrid gap! Yes, this was at my table. At breakfast, I also heard the following exchange: Dan: Crumpets are like English muffins, but without the crannies. Christine: You mean they only have nooks?!? I love vacation.

blog upgrade

If you actually visit this blog, you may have notice a sudden change in theme. Or maybe not. Anyway, what happened is that I finally got around to upgrading to Wordpress 2.0 – and this broke the theme that I was using. And, since I am lazy, instead of fixing the theme, I just replaced it. And instead of finding another off-the-beaten-path them, I went with my favorite of the most readily available WP2 themes.

the complexity threshold

I was visiting my friend Joe when I was reminded of my theory as to why BEEP (RFC 3080) hasn’t really taken off like it should have. The catalyst for this discussion was my remembering a fairly recent discussion on the (mostly inert) beepwg mailing list. In this discussion, I was reminded that it is seemingly fairly common for implementers (or potential implementers) to really not understand certain aspects of how BEEP works.

non zero

My blog is worth $4,516.32. How much is your blog worth? No clue how this happened