
I’ve been thinking about my personal productivity lately. There are three things that are making me worried.

  1. I’m moving into a new position at work that will be more time demanding and (presumably) have more meetings.
  2. I’m not getting enough domestic stuff done, although this is a long standing problem.
  3. Recently, I passed some magical email threshold where I’m suddenly not sure that I’m responding to all of the mail that I need to.

Now, for the vast majority of my life, I’ve been able to keep track of things to do and meetings to go to in my head. So, for the vast majority of my life I haven’t used a calendar or “to do” list. It was actually more work to maintain them than it was worth.

ski report

Again, from the better-late-than-never file (imagine that it is really February 8th)

So, I’m here in Whistler, BC, finishing up a ski vacation. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten to take my camera anywhere, so I don’t have any pictures. (Others did, however.)

On Friday, I landed in Seattle, met my friends John, Xine, and Andrew and drove up to Whistler. After some excruciating traffic around Vancouver, we arrive. The first skiing related thing that I realize is that I forgot my goggles. Oops. I also forgot my normal Treo headset, which is unfortunate because my phone is going crazy, and using the normal headset un-confuses it. Or so I hope, anyway. So for the whole week here, when I’m talking on my phone, I’m using my helmet.

heard at dinner

From the better-late-than-never file… I’m on vacation. Conversations here are entertaining.

If human-animal hybrid research is banned in America, then all of the human-animal research will move to Canada! There will be a human-animal hybrid gap!

Yes, this was at my table. At breakfast, I also heard the following exchange:

Dan: Crumpets are like English muffins, but without the crannies. Christine: You mean they only have nooks?!?

I love vacation.

blog upgrade

If you actually visit this blog, you may have notice a sudden change in theme. Or maybe not. Anyway, what happened is that I finally got around to upgrading to Wordpress 2.0 – and this broke the theme that I was using. And, since I am lazy, instead of fixing the theme, I just replaced it. And instead of finding another off-the-beaten-path them, I went with my favorite of the most readily available WP2 themes. At least it is still blue.

the complexity threshold

I was visiting my friend Joe when I was reminded of my theory as to why BEEP (RFC 3080) hasn’t really taken off like it should have. The catalyst for this discussion was my remembering a fairly recent discussion on the (mostly inert) beepwg mailing list. In this discussion, I was reminded that it is seemingly fairly common for implementers (or potential implementers) to really not understand certain aspects of how BEEP works. In this case, it was the use of SEQ frame. This was a particular point of concern when I was writing my own BEEP implementation, Net::BEEP::Lite.