rfc 5155

Ben Laurie celebrates the publication of RFC 5155. I hadn’t gotten around to blogging about it, but I’m also pretty happy that this RFC finally made it out. Ben says: It turns out that in general, to prove the nonexistence of a name using NSEC you have to show at most two records, one to prove the name itself doesn’t exist, and the other to show that you didn’t delegate some parent of it.

internet draft ideas dns related

I’m at the IETF this week, and so I get to turn my brain to thinking about IETF-y things, like Internet Drafts that I think should (and could) be written. Idea #1: Cache Poisoning Resilience This would be a draft that describes steps beyond RFC 2181 that a resolver must do to protect itself from cache poisoning. (RFC 2181 addresses this problem by introducing credibility rules in section 5.4.1.) Modern caching resolvers need to do more to protect themselves from name poisoning attacks like malicious CNAME chains.

bachelor chow

It has been ages since I’ve blogged, and at least one of my four subscribers reminds me of this regularly. So, here goes. I’ve come home pretty late from work, and I’m pretty uninspired when it comes to assembling some sort of dinner. After staring at the fridge fruitlessly for a while, I’m struck by an inspiration of sorts. I’ll make bachelor chow. Now, I have no idea what is in the original bachelor chow (nor do I want to know), but my bachelor chow is just the name I’ve given to the worst thing that I cook for myself on purpose.

quest for anti aliased emacs

In contemplating a move back to Linux for my day job, or at least a future where more of my work is done directly on my Linux box, I began to pine for decent anti-aliased fonts for Emacs. Both the windows and mac builds of Emacs 22 have this support built-in. Although, good luck trying to figure out how to change the font to what you want, at least in Carbon Emacs.