* add config file processing, refactor CLIBase some * fix algorithm aliases with key generation * Refactor to remove CLIState et al, move CLI common statics to new Utils * only use usage() for help, otherwise fail() * add a universal command line client, build a one-jar to use it. * bump the version * update ChangeLog, README, README.TODO, minor fixes * undo overzealous find/replace. sigh. * fix use_large_exponent logic in KeyGen * more fixes, minor improvements |
bin | ||
lib | ||
licenses | ||
src/main/java/com/verisignlabs/dnssec | ||
.gitignore | ||
build.properties | ||
build.xml | ||
ChangeLog | ||
jdnssec-tools.properties.example | ||
README.md | ||
Author: David Blacka (davidb@verisign.com)
This is a collection of DNSSEC tools written in Java. They are intended to be an addition or replacement for the DNSSEC tools that are part of BIND 9.
These tools depend upon DNSjava (https://github.com/dnsjava/dnsjava), the Jakarta Commons CLI and Logging libraries (https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli), slf4j (https://www.slf4j.org), and Sun's Java Cryptography extensions. A copy of each of these libraries is included in the distribution.
See the "licenses" directory for the licensing information of this package and the other packages that are distributed with it.
Getting Started
Using the binary distribution
The binary distributions can be downloaded from the releases page. To use it;
Unpack the binary distribution:
tar zxvf java-dnssec-tools-x.x.x.tar.gz
Run the various tools from their unpacked location:
cd java-dnssec-tools-x.x.x ./bin/jdnssec-signzone -h
Building from source
There is a source distribution also downloadable from the releases page, but this should work with a clone of this repo.
(If downloaded) Unpack the source distribution, preferably into the same directory that the binary distribution was unpacked.
tar zxvf java-dnssec-tools-x.x.x-src.tar.gz
Edit the build.properties file to suit your environment.
Run Ant (see http://ant.apache.org for information about the Ant build tool).
You can build the distribution tarballs with 'ant dist', although the main
build command will have built the primary jar file.
The source for this project is available in git on github: https://github.com/dblacka/jdnssec-tools
Using the one-jar distribution
As of version 0.20, there is a one-jar (aka an executable jar) as part of the distribution. It can also be downloaded from the releases page.
Fetch the one-jar distribution.
Invoke with
java -jar jdnssec-tools-x.x.x.jar
java -jar jdnssec-tools-x.x.x.jar signzone -h
Questions or comments may be directed to the author (mailto:davidb@verisign.com), or by creating issues in the github issue tracker.