2006-05-24 David Blacka * Add some error checking for the NSEC3 command line parameters for jdnssec-signzone. * Update local dnsjava build to 2.0.1. 2006-05-23 David Blacka * Add support for algorithm aliases. This feature is so that the user can declare the DNSKEY algorithm x is the same as algorithm 5 (e.g.). So far, this only works with straight integer algorithm identifiers (no private alg support yet). * Fix jdnssec-signzone so that you can specify multiple KSKs on the command line. Apparently, commons-cli actually does handle repeating command line options correctly. 2006-05-03 David Blacka * Add preliminary implementation of jdnssec-dstool. This is a simple command line tool that takes a DNSKEY record and converts it into a DS record (or a DLV record). Right now, it requires that the key is stored in a file ending with '.key'. * release version 0.6.0. 2006-03-15 David Blacka * Type map changes for NSEC3, corresponding to changes in draft -05pre. Essentially: NSEC3 and RRSIG bits are not set for most (all) NSEC3 records any longer. 2006-03-06 David Blacka * release version 0.5.0. 2006-02-16 David Blacka * Make RecordComparator also compare RDATA so the removeDuplicates step actually works reliabled. This was masked by the dupicate suppression in org.xbill.DNS.RRset. * Only allow one command line specified KSK since commons-cli doesn't seem to handle multi-arg options correctly. * Do not croak on the lack of the command-line keys for now. * New version of local dnsjava build containing NSEC3 changes corresponding to the -04pre draft. 2005-11-16 David Blacka * Make jdnssec-verifyzone work with just the zone (which is self-signed anyway). * release version 0.4.2. 2005-11-09 David Blacka * Add original ownername comments to the NSEC3 generation. 2005-11-08 David Blacka * New zone formatter. * Misc bug fixes. * release version 0.4.1. 2005-11-07 David Blacka * Update the local dnsjava build with a bugfix. * Fix ordering problem with ProtoNSEC3s. 2005-11-06 David Blacka * Actually use the --iterations command line option of jdnssec-signzone. 2005-10-27 David Blacka * Add NSEC3 support for jdnssec-signzone. * Remove support for plain Opt-In (until private algorithms work). * release version 0.4.0. 2005-08-14 David Blacka * Move the signZone function into the SignZone class (from the SignUtils) class. * General cleanup. * Add local _jdnssec-* shell wrappers. These use build/classes in the classpath so can be used to run the tools right out of the build area. 2005-08-13 David Blacka * Update to DNSjava 2.0.0 * Refactor command line parsing. * Switch to using java.util.logging for logging.