* update commons-cli, dnsjava, remove gradle, set to java 17
* use baseAlgorithm enum instead of static ints
* sonarlint changes
* sonarlint/formatting for SignUtils
* sonarlint, formatting for RecordComparitor and JCEDnsSecSigner
* update a few defaults
* redo the SignZone logic around finding keys; more output for it.
* refactor getVerifier()
* sonarlint and formatting for the rest
* use SunEC for the algs 15, 16; support alg 16 finally
* address my self-review comments
* Initial port to dnsjava 3.5.1
* java.util.Date -> java.time.Instant
* for (Iterator ..) to for ( Object : List )
* DSRecord.<digest type> -> DNSSEC.Digest.<type>
* source to java 8
* formatting overhaul; copyright; author
* add slf4j jars for dnsjava 3.5.1
* NSEC/NSEC3 ttls are now min(soa.min, soa.ttl)
* Upgrade to commons-cli-1.5; some linter fixes
* Add CDS support of jdnssec-dstool
* linter suggestions
* add a TODO list
* Add a TODO list