output changes for VerifyZone, some code cleanup and bug fixes for ZoneVerifier
git-svn-id: https://svn.verisignlabs.com/jdnssec/tools/trunk@220 4cbd57fe-54e5-0310-bd9a-f30fe5ea5e6e
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,16 +19,25 @@
package com.verisignlabs.dnssec.cl;
//import java.io.File;
//import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import org.apache.commons.cli.AlreadySelectedException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security.*;
import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.UnrecognizedOptionException;
import com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security.DnsKeyAlgorithm;
import com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security.ZoneUtils;
import com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security.ZoneVerifier;
* This class forms the command line implementation of a DNSSEC zone validator.
@ -41,6 +50,24 @@ public class VerifyZone
private static Logger log;
// A log formatter that strips away all of the noise that the default SimpleFormatter has
private static class MyLogFormatter extends java.util.logging.Formatter
public String format(LogRecord arg0)
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
String lvl = arg0.getLevel().getName();
out.append(": ");
return out.toString();
* This is a small inner class used to hold all of the command line option
* state.
@ -48,8 +75,8 @@ public class VerifyZone
private static class CLIState
private Options opts;
// public boolean strict = false;
// public File keydir = null;
// public boolean strict = false;
// public File keydir = null;
public String zonefile = null;
public String[] keyfiles = null;
@ -69,25 +96,13 @@ public class VerifyZone
// boolean options
opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this message.");
// opts.addOption("s", "strict", false,
// "Zone will only be considered valid if all "
// + "signatures could be cryptographically verified");
opts.addOption("m", "multiline", false,
"log DNS records using 'multiline' format");
// Argument options
// OptionBuilder.hasArg();
// OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("keydir");
// OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir");
// OptionBuilder.withDescription("directory to find " + "trusted key files");
// opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create('d'));
opts.addOption("m", "multiline", false, "log DNS records using 'multiline' format");
OptionBuilder.withDescription("verbosity level -- 0 is silence, "
+ "5 is debug information, 6 is trace information.\n"
+ "default is level 5.");
+ "5 is debug information, 6 is trace information.\n" + "default is level 5.");
@ -103,44 +118,41 @@ public class VerifyZone
CommandLineParser cli_parser = new PosixParser();
CommandLine cli = cli_parser.parse(opts, args);
// String optstr = null;
if (cli.hasOption('h')) usage();
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("");
if (cli.hasOption('v'))
int value = parseInt(cli.getOptionValue('v'), 1);
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger("");
switch (value)
case 0:
case 1:
case 5:
case 6:
case 0:
case 1:
case 5:
case 6:
// if (cli.hasOption('s')) strict = true;
// I hate java.util.logging, btw.
for (Handler h : rootLogger.getHandlers())
h.setFormatter(new MyLogFormatter());
if (cli.hasOption('m'))
// if ((optstr = cli.getOptionValue('d')) != null)
// {
// keydir = new File(optstr);
// }
String[] optstrs = null;
if ((optstrs = cli.getOptionValues('A')) != null)
@ -195,8 +207,8 @@ public class VerifyZone
// print our own usage statement:
f.printHelp(out, 75, "jdnssec-verifyzone [..options..] zonefile "
+ "[keyfile [keyfile...]]", null, opts,
HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD, HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_DESC_PAD, null);
+ "[keyfile [keyfile...]]", null, opts, HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD,
HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_DESC_PAD, null);
@ -230,7 +242,7 @@ public class VerifyZone
public static void execute(CLIState state) throws Exception
ZoneVerifier zoneverifier = new ZoneVerifier();
List records = ZoneUtils.readZoneFile(state.zonefile, null);
log.fine("verifying zone...");
@ -241,7 +253,7 @@ public class VerifyZone
System.out.println("zone did not verify.");
System.out.println("zone verified.");
@ -259,8 +271,7 @@ public class VerifyZone
catch (UnrecognizedOptionException e)
.println("error: unknown option encountered: " + e.getMessage());
System.err.println("error: unknown option encountered: " + e.getMessage());
catch (AlreadySelectedException e)
@ -336,8 +336,6 @@ public class BINDKeyUtils
if (priv != null)
// debug
// System.out.println("converting from privatekey to bind9 string");
DnsKeyConverter keyconv = new DnsKeyConverter();
String priv_string = keyconv.generatePrivateKeyString(priv, pub, alg);
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
package com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* This class implements a basic comparator for byte arrays. It is primarily
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ public class ByteArrayComparator implements Comparator
private int mOffset = 0;
private boolean mDebug = false;
private Logger log;
public ByteArrayComparator()
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ public class ByteArrayComparator implements Comparator
if (mDebug)
System.out.println("offset " + i + " differs (this is "
log.info("offset " + i + " differs (this is "
+ (i - mOffset) + " bytes in from our offset.)");
return (b1[i] & 0xFF) - (b2[i] & 0xFF);
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.xbill.DNS.DNSKEYRecord;
import org.xbill.DNS.Name;
@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
private DnsKeyConverter mKeyConverter;
private boolean mVerboseSigning = false;
private Logger log;
public JCEDnsSecSigner()
@ -139,8 +142,8 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
if (mVerboseSigning)
System.out.println("Signing RRset:");
System.out.println(ZoneUtils.rrsetToString(rrset, false));
log.info("Signing RRset:");
log.info(ZoneUtils.rrsetToString(rrset, false));
// first, pre-calculate the RRset bytes.
@ -161,9 +164,9 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
if (mVerboseSigning)
System.out.println("Canonical pre-signature data to sign with key " + keyrec.getName().toString() + "/"
log.info("Canonical pre-signature data to sign with key " + keyrec.getName().toString() + "/"
+ keyrec.getAlgorithm() + "/" + keyrec.getFootprint() + ":");
System.out.println(hexdump.dump(null, sign_data));
log.info(hexdump.dump(null, sign_data));
Signature signer = pair.getSigner();
@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
if (signer == null)
// debug
System.out.println("missing private key that goes with:\n"
log.fine("missing private key that goes with:\n"
+ pair.getDNSKEYRecord());
throw new GeneralSecurityException("cannot sign without a valid Signer "
+ "(probably missing private key)");
@ -183,8 +186,8 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
if (mVerboseSigning)
System.out.println("Raw Signature:");
System.out.println(hexdump.dump(null, sig));
log.info("Raw Signature:");
log.info(hexdump.dump(null, sig));
DnsKeyAlgorithm algs = DnsKeyAlgorithm.getInstance();
@ -197,8 +200,7 @@ public class JCEDnsSecSigner
RRSIGRecord sigrec = SignUtils.generateRRSIG(sig, presig);
if (mVerboseSigning)
System.out.println("RRSIG:\n" + sigrec);
log.info("RRSIG:\n" + sigrec);
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class ZoneUtils
/** This is an alternate way to format an RRset into a string */
public static String rrsetToString(RRset rrset, boolean includeSigs)
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator i = rrset.rrs(false); i.hasNext();)
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
package com.verisignlabs.dnssec.security;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.xbill.DNS.DNSKEYRecord;
import org.xbill.DNS.DNSSEC;
@ -56,30 +57,34 @@ import org.xbill.DNS.utils.base32;
public class ZoneVerifier
private SortedMap<Name, Set> mNodeMap;
private HashMap<String, RRset> mRRsetMap;
private SortedMap<Name, MarkRRset> mNSECMap;
private SortedMap<Name, MarkRRset> mNSEC3Map;
private Name mZoneName;
private DNSSECType mDNSSECType;
private NSEC3PARAMRecord mNSEC3params;
private SortedMap<Name, Set<Integer>> mNodeMap;
private HashMap<String, RRset> mRRsetMap;
private SortedMap<Name, MarkRRset> mNSECMap;
private SortedMap<Name, MarkRRset> mNSEC3Map;
private Name mZoneName;
private DNSSECType mDNSSECType;
private NSEC3PARAMRecord mNSEC3params;
private DnsSecVerifier mVerifier;
private base32 mBase32;
private ByteArrayComparator mBAcmp;
private DnsSecVerifier mVerifier;
private base32 mBase32;
private ByteArrayComparator mBAcmp;
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger("ZoneVerifier");
// The various types of signed zones.
enum DNSSECType
// The types of nodes (a node consists of all RRs with the same name).
enum NodeType
* This is a subclass of org.xbill.DNS.RRset that adds a "mark".
* This is a subclass of {@link org.xbill.DNS.RRset} that adds a "mark".
private class MarkRRset extends RRset
@ -98,16 +103,6 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
private class NameComparator implements Comparator
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) throws ClassCastException
Name n1 = (Name) o1;
return n1.compareTo(o2);
public ZoneVerifier()
mVerifier = new DnsSecVerifier();
@ -120,6 +115,9 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return n.toString() + ':' + type;
* Add a record to the various maps.
private void addRR(Record r)
Name r_name = r.getName();
@ -127,12 +125,9 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (r_type == Type.RRSIG) r_type = ((RRSIGRecord) r).getTypeCovered();
// Add NSEC and NSEC3 RRs to their respective maps
if (r_type == Type.NSEC || r_type == Type.NSEC3)
if (r_type == Type.NSEC)
if (mNSECMap == null)
mNSECMap = new TreeMap(new NameComparator());
if (mNSECMap == null) mNSECMap = new TreeMap<Name, MarkRRset>();
MarkRRset rrset = mNSECMap.get(r_name);
if (rrset == null)
@ -145,10 +140,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (r_type == Type.NSEC3)
if (mNSEC3Map == null)
mNSEC3Map = new TreeMap(new NameComparator());
if (mNSEC3Map == null) mNSEC3Map = new TreeMap<Name, MarkRRset>();
MarkRRset rrset = mNSEC3Map.get(r_name);
if (rrset == null)
@ -160,10 +152,10 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// Add the name and type to the node map
Set typeset = mNodeMap.get(r_name);
Set<Integer> typeset = mNodeMap.get(r_name);
if (typeset == null)
typeset = new HashSet();
typeset = new HashSet<Integer>();
mNodeMap.put(r_name, typeset);
typeset.add(r.getType()); // add the original type
@ -179,6 +171,26 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
* Given a record, determine the DNSSEC signing type. If the record doesn't
* determine that, DNSSECType.UNSIGNED is returned
private DNSSECType determineDNSSECType(Record r)
if (r.getType() == Type.NSEC) return DNSSECType.NSEC;
if (r.getType() == Type.NSEC3)
NSEC3Record nsec3 = (NSEC3Record) r;
if ((nsec3.getFlags() & NSEC3Record.Flags.OPT_OUT) == NSEC3Record.Flags.OPT_OUT)
return DNSSECType.NSEC3;
* Given an unsorted list of records, load the node and rrset maps, as well as
* determine the NSEC3 parameters and signing type.
@ -187,11 +199,10 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
private void calculateNodes(List<Record> records)
Comparator comparator = new NameComparator();
mNodeMap = new TreeMap<Name, Set>(comparator);
mNodeMap = new TreeMap<Name, Set<Integer>>();
mRRsetMap = new HashMap<String, RRset>();
// The zone is unsigned until we get a clue otherwise.
for (Record r : records)
@ -203,41 +214,19 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// Learn some things about the zone as we do this pass.
if (r_type == Type.SOA)
mZoneName = r_name;
if (r_type == Type.SOA) mZoneName = r_name;
if (r_type == Type.NSEC3PARAM) mNSEC3params = (NSEC3PARAMRecord) r;
if (r_type == Type.DNSKEY) mVerifier.addTrustedKey((DNSKEYRecord) r);
if (r_type == Type.NSEC3PARAM)
mNSEC3params = (NSEC3PARAMRecord) r;
if (r_type == Type.DNSKEY)
mVerifier.addTrustedKey((DNSKEYRecord) r);
if (r_type == Type.NSEC) mDNSSECType = DNSSECType.NSEC;
if (r_type == Type.NSEC3)
NSEC3Record nsec3 = (NSEC3Record) r;
if ((nsec3.getFlags() & NSEC3Record.Flags.OPT_OUT) == NSEC3Record.Flags.OPT_OUT)
if (mDNSSECType == DNSSECType.UNSIGNED) mDNSSECType = determineDNSSECType(r);
private NodeType determineNodeType(Name n, Set typeset, Name last_cut)
* Given a name, typeset, and name of the last zone cut, determine the node
* type.
private NodeType determineNodeType(Name n, Set<Integer> typeset, Name last_cut)
// All RRs at the zone apex are normal
if (n.equals(mZoneName)) return NodeType.NORMAL;
@ -254,17 +243,33 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return NodeType.NORMAL;
private Set<Integer> cleanupDelegationTypeset(Set<Integer> typeset)
Set<Integer> t = new HashSet<Integer>();
if (typeset.contains(Type.NS)) t.add(Type.NS);
if (typeset.contains(Type.DS)) t.add(Type.DS);
if (typeset.contains(Type.RRSIG)) t.add(Type.RRSIG);
if (!typeset.equals(t)) return t;
return typeset;
* For each node, determine which RRsets should be signed, verify those, and
* determine which nodes get NSEC or NSEC3 RRs and verify those.
private int processNodes() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, TextParseException
int errors = 0;
Name last_cut = null;
for (Map.Entry<Name, Set> entry : mNodeMap.entrySet())
for (Map.Entry<Name, Set<Integer>> entry : mNodeMap.entrySet())
Name n = entry.getKey();
Set typeset = entry.getValue();
Set<Integer> typeset = entry.getValue();
NodeType ntype = determineNodeType(n, typeset, last_cut);
log.finest("Node " + n + " is type " + ntype);
// we can ignore glue/invalid RRs.
if (ntype == NodeType.GLUE) continue;
@ -276,9 +281,8 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check all of the RRset that should be signed
for (Object o : typeset)
for (int type : typeset)
int type = ((Integer) o).intValue();
if (type == Type.RRSIG) continue;
// at delegation points, only DS RRs are signed (and NSEC, but those are checked separately)
if (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION && type != Type.DS) continue;
@ -293,15 +297,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// the only types that should be there are NS, DS and RRSIG.
if (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION)
Set newtypeset = new HashSet();
if (typeset.contains(Type.NS)) newtypeset.add(Type.NS);
if (typeset.contains(Type.DS)) newtypeset.add(Type.DS);
if (typeset.contains(Type.RRSIG)) newtypeset.add(Type.RRSIG);
if (!typeset.equals(newtypeset))
typeset = newtypeset;
typeset = cleanupDelegationTypeset(typeset);
switch (mDNSSECType)
@ -316,7 +312,8 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
errors += processNSEC3(n, typeset, ntype);
if (typeset.contains(Type.DS))
if (ntype == NodeType.NORMAL
|| (ntype == NodeType.DELEGATION && typeset.contains(Type.DS)))
errors += processNSEC3(n, typeset, ntype);
@ -328,30 +325,59 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return errors;
private static String reasonListToString(List reasons)
if (reasons == null) return "";
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator i = reasons.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
out.append("Reason: ");
out.append((String) i.next());
if (i.hasNext()) out.append("\n");
return out.toString();
private int processRRset(RRset rrset)
// FIXME: use the slightly lower level verifySignature to get the list of reasons.
int res = mVerifier.verify(rrset, null);
List reasons = new ArrayList();
int result = DNSSEC.Failed;
for (Iterator i = rrset.sigs(); i.hasNext();)
RRSIGRecord sigrec = (RRSIGRecord) i.next();
byte res = mVerifier.verifySignature(rrset, sigrec, null, reasons);
if (res != DNSSEC.Secure)
log.warning("Signature failed to verify RRset:\n rr: "
+ ZoneUtils.rrsetToString(rrset, false) + "\n sig: " + sigrec + "\n"
+ reasonListToString(reasons));
if (res > result) result = res;
String rrsetname = rrset.getName() + "/" + Type.string(rrset.getType());
if (res == DNSSEC.Secure)
if (result == DNSSEC.Secure)
System.out.println("RRset " + rrsetname + " verified.");
log.fine("RRset " + rrsetname + " verified.");
System.out.println("RRset " + rrsetname + " did not verify.");
log.warning("RRset " + rrsetname + " did not verify.");
return res == DNSSEC.Secure ? 0 : 1;
return result == DNSSEC.Secure ? 0 : 1;
private String typesetToString(Set typeset)
private String typesetToString(Set<Integer> typeset)
if (typeset == null) return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Iterator i = typeset.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
for (int type : typeset)
int type = ((Integer) i.next()).intValue();
if (!first) sb.append(' ');
first = false;
@ -374,7 +400,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return sb.toString();
private boolean checkTypeMap(Set typeset, int[] types)
private boolean checkTypeMap(Set<Integer> typeset, int[] types)
// a null typeset means that we are expecting the typemap of an ENT, which should be empty.
if (typeset == null) return types.length == 0;
@ -388,12 +414,12 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return typeset.equals(compareTypeset);
private int processNSEC(Name n, Set typeset)
private int processNSEC(Name n, Set<Integer> typeset)
MarkRRset rrset = mNSECMap.get(n);
if (n == null)
System.out.println("Missing NSEC for " + n);
log.warning("Missing NSEC for " + n);
return 1;
@ -406,7 +432,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check typemap
if (!checkTypeMap(typeset, nsec.getTypes()))
System.out.println("Typemap for NSEC RR " + n
log.warning("Typemap for NSEC RR " + n
+ " did not match what was expected. Expected '" + typesetToString(typeset)
+ "', got '" + typesToString(nsec.getTypes()));
@ -418,7 +444,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return errors;
private boolean shouldCheckENTs(Name n, Set typeset, NodeType ntype)
private boolean shouldCheckENTs(Name n, Set<Integer> typeset, NodeType ntype)
// if we are just one (or zero) labels longer than the zonename, the node can't create a ENT
if (n.labels() <= mZoneName.labels() + 1) return false;
@ -439,22 +465,19 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
return true;
private int processNSEC3(Name n, Set typeset, NodeType ntype)
private int processNSEC3(Name n, Set<Integer> typeset, NodeType ntype)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, TextParseException
// calculate the NSEC3 RR name
byte[] hash = mNSEC3params.hashName(n);
if (mBase32 == null)
String hashstr = mBase32.toString(hash);
Name hashname = new Name(hashstr, mZoneName);
MarkRRset rrset = mNSEC3Map.get(hashname);
if (rrset == null)
System.out.println("Missing NSEC3 for " + hashname + " corresponding to " + n);
log.warning("Missing NSEC3 for " + hashname + " corresponding to " + n);
return 1;
@ -467,6 +490,9 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check typemap
if (!checkTypeMap(typeset, nsec3.getTypes()))
log.warning("Typemap for NSEC3 RR " + hashname + " for " + n
+ " did not match what was expected. Expected '" + typesetToString(typeset)
+ "', got '" + typesToString(nsec3.getTypes()));
@ -478,7 +504,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (shouldCheckENTs(n, typeset, ntype))
Name ent = new Name(n, 1);
if (!mNodeMap.containsKey(ent))
if (mNodeMap.get(ent) == null)
errors += processNSEC3(ent, null, NodeType.NORMAL);
@ -500,7 +526,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (lastNSEC.getName().compareTo(lastNSEC.getNext()) >= 0)
System.out.println("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName()
log.warning("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName()
+ " has next name >= owner but is not the last NSEC in the chain.");
@ -513,7 +539,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check to see if the NSEC is marked. If not, it was not correlated to a signed node.
if (!rrset.getMark())
System.out.println("NSEC RR for " + n + " appears to be extra.");
log.warning("NSEC RR for " + n + " appears to be extra.");
@ -523,15 +549,14 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// nsec map incorrectly.
if (!n.equals(nsec.getName()))
System.out.println("The NSEC in the map for name " + n + " has name "
+ nsec.getName());
log.warning("The NSEC in the map for name " + n + " has name " + nsec.getName());
// If this is the first row, ensure that the owner name equals the zone name
if (lastNSEC == null && !n.equals(mZoneName))
System.out.println("The first NSEC in the chain does not match the zone name: name = "
log.warning("The first NSEC in the chain does not match the zone name: name = "
+ n + " zonename = " + mZoneName);
@ -541,7 +566,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (!lastNSEC.getNext().equals(nsec.getName()))
System.out.println("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName()
log.warning("NSEC for " + lastNSEC.getName()
+ " does not point to the next NSEC in the chain: " + n);
@ -554,7 +579,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// the ownername should be >= next name.
if (lastNSEC.getName().compareTo(lastNSEC.getNext()) < 0)
System.out.println("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not have an owner >= next: owner = "
log.warning("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not have an owner >= next: owner = "
+ lastNSEC.getName() + " next = " + lastNSEC.getNext());
@ -562,7 +587,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check to make sure it links to the first NSEC in the chain
if (!lastNSEC.getNext().equals(mZoneName))
System.out.println("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not link to the first NSEC");
log.warning("The last NSEC RR in the chain did not link to the first NSEC");
@ -592,7 +617,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (compareNSEC3Hashes(lastNSEC3.getName(), lastNSEC3.getNext()) >= 0)
System.out.println("NSEC3 for " + lastNSEC3.getName()
log.warning("NSEC3 for " + lastNSEC3.getName()
+ " has next name >= owner but is not the last NSEC3 in the chain.");
@ -605,34 +630,34 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check to see if the NSEC is marked. If not, it was not correlated to a signed node.
if (!rrset.getMark())
System.out.println("NSEC3 RR for " + n + " appears to be extra.");
log.warning("NSEC3 RR for " + n + " appears to be extra.");
NSEC3Record nsec3 = (NSEC3Record) rrset.first();
// This is just a sanity check. If this isn't true, we are constructing the
// nsec map incorrectly.
// nsec3 map incorrectly.
if (!n.equals(nsec3.getName()))
System.out.println("The NSEC3 in the map for name " + n + " has name "
+ nsec3.getName());
log.severe("The NSEC3 in the map for name " + n + " has name " + nsec3.getName());
// If this is the first row, ensure that the owner name equals the zone name
// note the first NSEC3 in the chain.
if (lastNSEC3 == null)
firstNSEC3 = nsec3;
// Check that the prior NSEC's next name equals this rows owner name.
if (lastNSEC3 != null)
// Check that the prior NSEC3's next hashed name equals this row's hashed owner name.
if (compareNSEC3Hashes(nsec3.getName(), lastNSEC3.getNext()) == 0)
if (compareNSEC3Hashes(nsec3.getName(), lastNSEC3.getNext()) != 0)
System.out.println("NSEC3 for " + lastNSEC3.getName()
+ " does not point to the next NSEC3 in the chain: " + n);
String nextstr = mBase32.toString(lastNSEC3.getNext());
log.warning("NSEC3 for " + lastNSEC3.getName()
+ " does not point to the next NSEC3 in the chain: " + nsec3.getName()
+ ", instead points to: " + nextstr);
@ -645,7 +670,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
if (compareNSEC3Hashes(lastNSEC3.getName(), lastNSEC3.getNext()) < 0)
String nextstr = mBase32.toString(lastNSEC3.getNext());
System.out.println("The last NSEC3 RR in the chain did not have an owner >= next: owner = "
log.warning("The last NSEC3 RR in the chain did not have an owner >= next: owner = "
+ lastNSEC3.getName() + " next = " + nextstr);
@ -653,7 +678,7 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
// check to make sure it links to the first NSEC in the chain
if (compareNSEC3Hashes(firstNSEC3.getName(), lastNSEC3.getNext()) != 0)
System.out.println("The last NSEC3 RR in the chain did not link to the first NSEC3");
log.warning("The last NSEC3 RR in the chain did not link to the first NSEC3");
@ -677,8 +702,14 @@ public class ZoneVerifier
errors += processNSEC3Chain();
System.out.println("Zone " + mZoneName + " verified with " + errors
+ ((errors == 1) ? " error" : " errors"));
if (errors > 0)
log.info("Zone " + mZoneName + " failed verification with " + errors + " errors");
log.info("Zone " + mZoneName + " verified with 0 errors");
return errors;
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