#! /usr/bin/python import sys, socket, getopt import dns.zone import dns.query import dns.message import dns.rdatatype import dns.rdataclass def min_size(message): """Calculate the minimum size this response can be without setting the TC (truncation bit). This is calculated by removing all of the additional section save the OPT pseudo-RR.""" additional = message.additional # note that in dns.message.Message, the OPT RR is not stored in # the additional section (where it was). Instead it is parsed # into various member variables, so we don't need to do anything # special to preserve it. message.additional = [] wire = message.to_wire() message.additional = additional return len(wire) def additional_qname_length(qname): """Calculate the additional size a message might take if it had the maximum sized qname (e.g., a 255-octet qname). Since the message already contains some qname, calculate the difference.""" return 255 - len(qname.to_wire()) def do_query(qname, qtype): """Given a qname and a qtype, use the dedicated socket to query a namesrver with DO=1 and BUFSIZE=4096, then calculate the full response size, the minimum size, and the additional qname delta.""" q = dns.message.make_query(qname, qtype) q.want_dnssec(True) q.payload = 4096 wire = q.to_wire() # send the query s.send(wire) # wait for the response (no timeouts yet) resp_wire = s.recv(65535) # calculate the base length. resp_len = len(resp_wire) # parse the response resp = dns.message.from_wire(resp_wire) # calculate our minimum size minimum = min_size(resp) # calculate our maximum size plus_qname = additional_qname_length(q.question[0].name) return (resp, resp_len, minimum, plus_qname) class Histogram: """A class representing a basic histogram for DNS response sizes.""" def __init__(self, factor): self.hist_ = {} self.labels_ = {} self.factor_ = factor self.minimum_ = 0 self.maximum_ = 0 self.minlabel_ = "" self.maxlabel_ = "" def add(self, length, label): if label in self.labels_: return self.labels_[label] = 1 index = int(length / self.factor_) if index not in self.hist_: self.hist_[index] = 0 self.hist_[index] += 1 if self.minimum_ == 0 or length < self.minimum_: self.minimum_ = length self.minlabel_ = label if length > self.maximum_: self.maximum_ = length self.maxlabel_ = label def to_text(self): res = "range [%d - %d] min: %s, max: %s\n" % \ (self.minimum_, self.maximum_, self.minlabel_, self.maxlabel_) keys = self.hist_.keys() keys.sort() for index in keys: rangestr = "[%d - %d)" % (index * self.factor_, (index + 1) * self.factor_) res += "%20s : %d\n" % (rangestr, self.hist_[index]) return res def process_zone(zone, skip_addr=True): last_name = ""; last_type = 0 for name, rd in zone.iterate_rdatasets(): n = name.to_text() t = rd.rdtype # skip queries to the glue records; they are redundant with # the NS queries. if skip_addr and (t == dns.rdatatype.A or t == dns.rdatatype.AAAA): continue label = n + "/" + dns.rdatatype.to_text(t) (response, resp_len, minimum, plus_qname) = do_query(n, t) print "%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (resp_len, minimum, plus_qname, label) # Populate the referral histograms if t == dns.rdatatype.NS: ref_hist.add(minimum + plus_qname, label) max_ref_hist.add(resp_len + plus_qname, label) else: other_hist.add(resp_len, label) if n != last_name: label = n + "/ANY" (response, resp_len, minimum, plus_qname) = \ do_query(n , dns.rdatatype.ANY) print "%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (resp_len, minimum, plus_qname, label) other_hist.add(resp_len, label) label = n + "_/A" (response, resp_len, minimum, plus_qname) = \ do_query(n + "_", dns.rdatatype.A) print "%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % (resp_len, minimum, plus_qname, label) # populate the nxdomain histogram nx_hist.add(resp_len + plus_qname, label) last_name = n if __name__ == "__main__": port = 53 host = "" options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:s:") for k,v in options: if k == '-p': port = int(v) elif k == '-s': host = v # create a query socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # connect it to our server s.connect((host, port)) ref_hist = Histogram(64) max_ref_hist = Histogram(64) nx_hist = Histogram(64) other_hist = Histogram(64) for zonefile in args: origin=None skip = True if ':' in zonefile: zonefile, origin = zonefile.split(':', 1) if origin and ':' in origin: origin, skip = origin.split(':', 1) skip = len(skip) == 0 if origin and origin == '.': rel = True else: rel = False zone = dns.zone.from_file(zonefile, origin=origin, relativize=rel) process_zone(zone, skip) s.close() print >> sys.stderr, "Referral sizes (Maximum truncation sizes):" print >> sys.stderr, ref_hist.to_text() print >> sys.stderr, "Referral sizes (Maximum overall sizes):" print >> sys.stderr, max_ref_hist.to_text() print >> sys.stderr, "NXDOMAIN sizes (Maximum truncation sizes):" print >> sys.stderr, nx_hist.to_text() print >> sys.stderr, "Other response sizes (Full response sizes):" print >> sys.stderr, other_hist.to_text()