# This file is part of python-rwhoisd # # Copyright (C) 2008 David E. Blacka # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA import socket, re, struct # a simplified regex that just makes sure that the IPv6 address string # isn't obviously invalid. v6char_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f:]+(:(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})?$', re.I) def v6str_to_addr(addrstr): """Convert IPv6 addresses into its packed numerical value.""" # first make sure the address is made of valid IPv6 address # characters. if not v6char_re.match(addrstr): raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) toks = addrstr.split(":") blanks = toks.count('') # convert our IPv4 section. if '.' in toks[-1]: packed_v4 = socket.inet_aton(toks[-1]) unpacked_v4 = [ "%x" % (x) for x in struct.unpack("!HH", packed_v4) ] toks[-1:] = unpacked_v4 if len(toks) > 8 or blanks > 3: raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) # three blanks must be :: if blanks == 3: if addrstr != "::": raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) return '\x00' * 16; # convert the tokens into a regular array of 8 things by inserting # zero strings for the elided section. # two blanks must be ::blah or blah:: if blanks == 2: z = ['0'] * (8 - len(toks) + 2) if addrstr.startswith("::"): toks[:2] = z elif addrstr.endswith("::"): toks[-2:] = z else: raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) # one blank is the blah::blah elif blanks == 1: z = ['0'] * (8 - len(toks) + 1) i = toks.index('') toks[i:i+1] = z if len(toks) != 8: raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) toks = [ int(t, 16) for t in toks ] for t in toks: if t & 0xFFFF != t: raise socket.error("Invalid IPv6 address: '%s'" % (addrstr)) return struct.pack("!8H", *toks) def v6addr_to_str(addr): """Convert a packed numerical IPv6 address into a string. This routine doesn't (yet) create an elided section.""" if len(addr) != 16: raise socket.error("incorrect address length: %s (should be 16)" % (len(addr))) nums = [ x for x in struct.unpack("!8H", addr)] # elding support mostly cobbled from the glibc version of # inet_ntop # look for the longest string of zeros. cur_base = best_base = cur_len = best_len = -1 for i in range(8): if nums[i] == 0: if cur_base == -1: cur_base, cur_len = i, 1 else: cur_len += 1 else: if cur_base != -1: if best_base == -1 or cur_len > best_len: best_base, best_len = cur_base, cur_len cur_base = -1 if cur_base != -1: if best_base == -1 or cur_len > best_len: best_base, best_len = cur_base, cur_len # if we have a valid string of zeros, replace them with the token. if best_base != -1 and best_len > 1: nums[best_base:best_base + best_len] = [':'] if nums[0] == ':': nums.insert(0, ':') if nums[-1] == ':': nums.append(':') def n_to_str(n): if n == ':': return '' return "%x" % (n) strs = [ n_to_str(x) for x in nums ] return ":".join(strs) def inet_pton(af, ip): if af == socket.AF_INET: return socket.inet_aton(ip) if af == socket.AF_INET6: return v6str_to_addr(ip) raise socket.error("Address family not supported by protocol") def inet_ntop(af, packed_ip): if af == socket.AF_INET: return socket.inet.ntoa(packed_ip) if af == socket.AF_INET6: return v6addr_to_str(packed_ip) raise socket.error("Address family not supported by protocol") try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, "::1") except (AttributeError, NameError, socket.error): socket.inet_pton = inet_pton socket.inet_ntop = inet_ntop socket.AF_INET6 = 'AF_INET6' # test driver if __name__ == "__main__": def try_good_addr(addr): try: a = v6str_to_addr(addr) b = v6addr_to_str(a) except socket.error, e: print "addr was invalid!:", e else: print "%s => %s" % (addr, b) try_good_addr("::"); try_good_addr("::7"); try_good_addr("f::"); try_good_addr("ab:0:0:c:0:0:0:d") try_good_addr("ab:0:0:0:c:0:0:d") try_good_addr("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8") try_good_addr("1:2:3::7:8") try_good_addr("2001:3c09:102::23:af") try_good_addr("::ffff:") try_good_addr("1:2:3:4:5:6:") def try_bad_addr(addr): try: a = v6str_to_addr(addr) except socket.error, e: print e else: print "addr was valid! %s => %s" % (addr, v6addr_to_str(a)) # things that shouldn't parse try_bad_addr(":") try_bad_addr(":::") try_bad_addr("1::2::3") try_bad_addr("::3::") try_bad_addr("::1.2.3") try_bad_addr("12345::1") try_bad_addr("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:")