import bisect, types import MemIndex, Cidr from Rwhois import rwhoisobject class MemDB: def __init__(self): # a dictonary holding the various attribute indexes. The keys # are lowercase attribute names, values are MemIndex or # CidrMemIndex objects. self.indexes = {} # a dictonary holding the actual rwhoisobjects. keys are # string IDs, values are rwhoisobject instances. self.main_index = {} # dictonary holding all of the seen attributes. keys are # lowercase attribute names, value is a character indicating # the index type (if indexed), or None if not indexed. Index # type characters a 'N' for normal string index, 'C' for CIDR # index. self.attrs = {} # Lists containing attribute names that have indexes by type. # This exists so unconstrained searches can just iterate over # them. self.normal_indexes = [] self.cidr_indexes = [] # dictonary holding all of the seen class names. keys are # lowercase classnames, value is always None. self.classes = {} # dictionary holding all of the seen auth-areas. keys are # lowercase authority area names, value is always None. self.authareas = {} def init_schema(self, schema_file): """Initialize the schema from a schema file. Currently the schema file is a list of 'attribute_name = index_type' pairs, one per line. index_type is one of N or C, where N means a normal string index, and C means a CIDR index. It should be noted that this database implementation implements a global namespace for attributes, which isn't really correct according to RFC 2167. RFC 2167 dictates that different authority area are actually autonomous and thus have separate schemas.""" # initialize base schema self.attrs['id'] = "N" self.attrs['auth-area'] = None self.attrs['class-name'] = None self.attrs['updated'] = None self.attrs['referred-auth-area'] = "R" sf = open(schema_file, "r") for line in sf.xreadlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue attr, it = line.split("=") self.attrs[attr.strip().lower()] = it.strip()[0].upper() for attr, index_type in self.attrs.items(): if index_type == "N": # normal index self.indexes[attr] = MemIndex.MemIndex() self.normal_indexes.append(attr) elif index_type == "A": # "all" index -- both a normal and a cidr index self.indexes[attr] = MemIndex.ComboMemIndex() self.normal_indexes.append(attr) self.cidr_indexes.append(attr) elif index_type == "R": # referral index, an all index that must be searched # explictly by attribute self.indexes[attr] = MemIndex.ComboMemIndex() elif index_type == "C": # a cidr index self.indexes[attr] = MemIndex.CidrMemIndex() self.cidr_indexes.append(attr) return def add_object(self, obj): """Add an rwhoisobject to the raw indexes, including the master index.""" # add the object to the main index id = obj.getid() if not id: return id = id.lower() self.main_index[id] = obj for a,v in obj.items(): # note the attribute. index_type = self.attrs.setdefault(a, None) v = v.lower() # make sure that we note the auth-area and class if a == 'auth-area': self.authareas.setdefault(v, None) elif a == 'class-name': self.classes.setdefault(v, None) if index_type: index = self.indexes[a] index.add(v, id) def load_data(self, data_file): """Load data from rwhoisd-style TXT files (i.e., attr:value, records separated with a "---" bare line).""" df = open(data_file, "r") obj = rwhoisobject() for line in df.xreadlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue if not line or line.startswith("---"): # we've reached the end of an object, so index it. self.add_object(obj) # reset obj obj = rwhoisobject() continue a, v = line.split(":", 1) obj.add_attr(a, v.lstrip()) self.add_object(obj) return def index_data(self): """Prepare the indexes for searching. Currently, this isn't strictly necessary (the indexes will prepare themselves when necessary), but it should elminate a penalty on initial searches""" for i in self.indexes.values(): i.prepare() return def is_attribute(self, attr): return self.attrs.has_key(attr.lower()) def is_indexed_attr(self, attr): if self.is_attribute(attr): return self.attrs[attr.lower()] return False def is_objectclass(self, objectclass): return self.classes.has_key(objectclass.lower()) def is_autharea(self, aa): return self.authareas.has_key(aa.lower()) def get_authareas(self): return self.authareas.keys() def fetch_objects(self, id_list): return [ self.main_index[x] for x in id_list if self.main_index.has_key(x) ] def search_attr(self, attr, value, max = 0): """Search for a value in a particular attribute's index. If the attribute is cidr indexed, an attempt to convert value into a Cidr object will be made. Returns a list of object ids (or an empty list if nothing was found)""" attr = attr.lower() index_type = self.attrs.get(attr) index = self.indexes.get(attr) if not index: return [] super_prefix_match = False if value.endswith("**"): super_prefix_match = True prefix_match = False if value.endswith("*"): value = value.rstrip("*") prefix_match = True if index_type == 'C' and not isinstance(value, Cidr.Cidr): value = Cidr.valid_cidr(value) else: value = value.strip().lower() if index_type == 'C' and super_prefix_match: return index.find_subnets(value, max) res = index.find(value, prefix_match, max) return IndexResult(res) def search_normal(self, value, max = 0): """Search for a value in the 'normal' (string keyed) indexes. Returns a list of object ids, or an empty list if nothing was found.""" res = IndexResult() for attr in self.normal_indexes: res.extend(self.search_attr(attr, value, max)) if max: if len(res) >= max: res.truncate(max) return res return res def search_cidr(self, value, max = 0): """Search for a value in the cidr indexes. Returns a list of object ids, or an empty list if nothing was found.""" res = IndexResult() for attr in self.cidr_indexes: res.extend(self.search_attr(attr, value, max)) if max: if len(res) >= max: res.truncate(max) return res return res def search_referral(self, value, max = 0): """Given a heirarchal value, search for referrals. Returns a list of object ids or an empty list.""" return self.search_attr("referred-auth-area", value, max) def object_iterator(self): return self.main_index.itervalues() class IndexResult: def __init__(self, list=None): if not list: list = [] = list self._dict = dict(zip(, def extend(self, list): if isinstance(list, type(self)): list = list.list() new_els = [ x for x in list if not self._dict.has_key(x) ] self._dict.update(dict(zip(new_els, new_els))) def list(self): return def truncate(self, n=0): to_del =[n:] for i in to_del: del self._dict[i] =[:n] # test driver if __name__ == "__main__": import sys db = MemDB() print "loading schema:", sys.argv[1] db.init_schema(sys.argv[1]) for data_file in sys.argv[2:]: print "loading data file:", data_file db.load_data(data_file) db.index_data() print "Schema: authority areas" for a in db.authareas.keys(): print " %s" % a print "Schema: classes" for c in db.classes.keys(): print " %s" % c print "Schema: attributes" for a in db.attrs.keys(): print " %s" % a print "Is 'Network' a class?", db.is_objectclass("Network") # for k, v in db.main_index.items(): # print "main_index[", k, "]:", v print "searching for" res = db.search_attr("domain-name", "") print res.list() print [ str(x) for x in db.fetch_objects(res.list()) ] print "searching for doe" res = db.search_normal("doe") print res.list() print [ str(x) for x in db.fetch_objects(res.list()) ] print "searching for" res = db.search_cidr("") print res.list() print [ str(x) for x in db.fetch_objects(res.list()) ] print "searching for" res = db.search_normal("") print res.list() print "searching referral index for" res = db.search_attr("referred-auth-area", "") print res.list() print [ str(x) for x in db.fetch_objects(res.list()) ]