# This file is part of python-rwhoisd # # Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 David E. Blacka # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA import socket, types, copy, bisect, re, struct class Cidr: """A class representing a generic CIDRized network value.""" def __str__(self): return self.addr + "/" + str(self.netlen) def __repr__(self): return "<" + str(self) + ">" def __cmp__(self, other): """One CIDR network block is less than another if the start address is numerically less or if the block is larger. That is, supernets will sort before subnets. This ordering allows for an efficient search for subnets of a given network.""" res = self._base_mask(self.numaddr) - self._base_mask(other.numaddr) if res == 0: res = self.netlen - other.netlen if res < 0: return -1 if res > 0: return 1 return 0 def calc(self): """This method should be called after any change to the main internal state: netlen or numaddr.""" # make sure the network length is valid if not self._is_valid_netlen(netlen): raise TypeError, "network length must be between 0 and %d" % (_max_netlen()) # convert the string ipv4 address to a 32bit number self.numaddr = self._convert_ipstr(self.addr) # calculate our netmask self.mask = self._mask(self.netlen) # force the cidr address into correct masked notation self.numaddr &= self.mask # convert the number back to a string to normalize the string self.addr = self._convert_ipaddr(self.numaddr) def is_supernet(self, other): """returns True if the other Cidr object is a supernet (an enclosing network block) of this one. A Cidr object is a supernet of itself.""" return other.numaddr & self.mask == self.numaddr def is_subnet(self, other): """returns True if the other Cidr object is a subnet (an enclosednetwork block) of this one. A Cidr object is a subnet of itself.""" return self.numaddr & other.mask == other.numaddr def netmask(self): """return the netmask of this Cidr network""" return self._convert_ipaddr(self.mask) def length(self): """return the length (in number of addresses) of this network block""" return netlen_to_length(self.netlen) def end(self): """return the last IP address in this network block""" return self._convert_ipaddr(self.numaddr + self.length() - 1) def to_netblock(self): return (self.addr, self.end()) def clone(self): # we can get away with a shallow copy (so far) return copy.copy(self) class CidrV4(Cidr): """A class representing a CIDRized IPv4 network value. Specifically, it is representing a contiguous IPv4 network block that can be expressed as a ip-address/network-length pair.""" # FIXME: we should probably actually make this class immutable and # add methods that generate copies of this class with different # netlens or whatever. ip4addr_re = re.compile("^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,3}(/\d{1,2})?$") def __init__(self, address, netlen = -1): """This takes either a formatted string in CIDR notation: (e.g., ""), A tuple consisting of an formatting string IPv4 address and a numeric network length, or the same as two arguments.""" # if we are handing a numerical address and netlen, convert # them directly. if isinstance(address, int) and netlen >= 0: self.netlen = netlen self.numaddr = address self.addr = self._convert_ipaddr(self.numaddr); self.calc() return if not CidrV4.ip4addr_re.search(address): raise ValueError, repr(address) + \ " is not a valid CIDR representation" if netlen < 0: if type(address) == types.StringType: if "/" in address: self.addr, self.netlen = address.split("/", 1) else: self.addr, self.netlen = address, 32 elif type(address) == types.TupleType: self.addr, self.netlen = address else: raise TypeError, "address must be a string or a tuple" else: self.addr = address self.netlen = netlen # convert string network lengths to integer if type(self.netlen) == types.StringType: self.netlen = int(self.netlen) self.calc() def _base_mask(self, numaddr): return numaddr & 0xFFFFFFFFL def _max_netlen(self): return 32 def _is_valid_netlen(self, netlen): if self.netlen < 0: return False if self.netlen > _max_netlen(): return False return True def _convert_ipstr(self, addr): return socket.inet_aton(addr) def _convert_ipaddr(self, numaddr): res = str((numaddr & 0xFF000000) >> 24 & 0xFF) + "." + \ str((numaddr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) + "." + \ str((numaddr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) + "." + \ str(numaddr & 0x000000FF) return res def _mask(self, len): return 0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - len) class CidrV6(Cidr): """A class representing a CIDRized IPv6 network value. Specifically, it is representing a contiguous IPv6 network block that can be expressed as a ipv6-address/network-length pair.""" ip6addr_re = re.compile("^[\da-f]{1,4}(:[\da-f]{1,4}){0,7}(::[\da-f])?(/\d{1,3})?$", re.I) ip6_base_mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL # 128-bits of all ones. def __init__(self, address, netlen = -1): if isinstance(address, long) and netlen >= 0: self.netlen = netlen self.numaddr = address self.addr = self._convert_ipaddr(address) self.calc() return if not CidrV6.ip6addr_re.search(address): raise ValueError, repr(address) + \ "is not a valid CIDR representation" if netlen < 0: if type(address) == types.StringType: if "/" in address: self.addr, self.netlen = address.split("/", 1) else: self.addr, self.netlen = address, 128 elif type(address) == types.TupleType: self.addr, self.netlen = address else: raise TypeError, "address must be a string or a tuple" else: self.addr = address self.netlen = netlen if type(self.netlen) == type.StringType: self.netlen = int(self.netlen) self.calc() def _base_mask(self, numaddr): return numaddr & CidrV6.ip6_base_mask def _convert_ipstr(self, addr): packed_numaddr = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr) upper, lower = struct.unpack("!QQ", packed_numaddr); numaddr = (upper << 64) | lower def _convert_ipaddr(self, numaddr): upper = (numaddr & (ip6_base_mask << 64)) >> 64; lower = numaddr & (ip6_base_mask >> 64) packed_numaddr = struct.pack("!QQ", upper, lower) return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, packed_numaddr) def _mask(self, len): return ip6_base_mask << (128 - len) def valid_cidr(address): """Returns the converted Cidr object if 'address' is valid CIDR notation, False if not. For the purposes of this module, valid CIDR notation consists of 1 to 4 octets separated by '.' characters, with an optional trailing "/netlen".""" if isinstance(address, Cidr): return address try: c = Cidr(address) return c except: return False def netlen_to_length(netlen): """Convert a network-length to the length of the block in ip addresses.""" return 1 << (32 - netlen); def netblock_to_cidr(start, end): """Convert an arbitrary network block expressed as a start and end address (inclusive) into a series of valid CIDR blocks.""" def largest_prefix(length): # calculates the largest network length (smallest mask length) # that can fit within the block length. i = 1; v = length while i <= 32: if v & 0x80000000: break i += 1; v <<= 1 return i def netlen_to_mask(n): # convert the network length into its netmask return ~((1 << (32 - n)) - 1) # convert the start and ending addresses of the netblock to Cidr # object, mostly so we can get the numeric versions of their # addresses. cs = valid_cidr(start) ce = valid_cidr(end) # if either the start or ending addresses aren't valid ipv4 # address, quit now. if not cs or not ce: return None # calculate the number of IP address in the netblock block_len = ce.numaddr - cs.numaddr # calcuate the largest CIDR block size that fits netlen = largest_prefix(block_len + 1) res = []; s = cs.numaddr while block_len > 0: mask = netlen_to_mask(netlen) # check to see if our current network length is valid if (s & mask) != s: # if not, shrink the network block size netlen += 1 continue # otherwise, we have a valid CIDR block, so add it to the list cv = Cidr(s, netlen) res.append(Cidr(s, netlen)) # and setup for the next round: cur_len = netlen_to_length(netlen) s += cur_len block_len -= cur_len netlen = largest_prefix(block_len + 1) return res # test driver if __name__ == "__main__": a = Cidr("") b = Cidr("", 32) c = Cidr("", 26) d = Cidr("", 24) e = Cidr("", 11) f = Cidr(""); g = Cidr(""); h = Cidr("") print f.addr try: bad = Cidr("", 32) except Warning, x: print "warning:", x print "cidr:", a, "num addresses:", a.length(), "ending address", \ a.end(), "netmask", a.netmask() clist = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] print "unsorted list of cidr objects:\n ", clist clist.sort() print "sorted list of cidr object:\n ", clist netblocks = [ ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", "")] for start, end in netblocks: print "netblock %s - %s:" % (start, end) blocks = netblock_to_cidr(start, end) print blocks