WHAT IS IT? As a programming exercise for learning Python, I wrote a simple rwhois server. It uses in-memory data structures, and it intuits the schema based on the data it sees. The server as input takes a schema file, which for now just describes which attributes should be indexed (and how), and data files which look much like the C rwhoisd's data files. REQUIREMENTS python 2.2 or later INSTALL For now, just run it from the source directory: RUNNING IT % tar zxvf python-rwhoisd-0.1.tar.gz % cd python-rwhoisd-0.1 % ./bin/pyrwhoisd sample_data/example_schema \ sample_data/example_data & Voila! You should now have some sort of rwhois server running on port 4321 CONFIGURING IT Edit rwhoisd/config.py. This file is sort of commented as to what you can change. DATA See the example_schema and example_data files in the sample_data directory.