package; import java.util.*; import org.xbill.DNS.*; import; public class DNSSECReconciler { /** * Invoke with java -jar dnssecreconciler.jar server= \ * query_file=queries.txt dnskey_query=net dnskey_query=edu */ private CaptiveValidator validator; // Options public String server; public String query; public String queryFile; public String dnskeyFile; public List dnskeyNames; DNSSECReconciler() { validator = new CaptiveValidator(); } /** * Convert a query line of the form: to a request * message. * * @param query_line * @return A query message * @throws TextParseException * @throws NameTooLongException */ private Message queryFromString(String query_line) throws TextParseException, NameTooLongException { String[] tokens = query_line.split("[ \t]+"); Name qname = null; int qtype = -1; int qclass = -1; if (tokens.length < 1) return null; qname = Name.fromString(tokens[0]); if (!qname.isAbsolute()) { qname = Name.concatenate(qname, Name.root); } for (int i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i].startsWith("+")) { // For now, we ignore flags as uninteresting continue; } int type = Type.value(tokens[i]); if (type > 0) { qtype = type; continue; } int cls = DClass.value(tokens[i]); if (cls > 0) { qclass = cls; continue; } } if (qtype < 0) { qtype = Type.A; } if (qclass < 0) { qclass = DClass.IN; } Message query = Message.newQuery(Record.newRecord(qname, qtype, qclass)); return query; } public void execute() { } private static void usage() { System.err.println("usage: java -jar dnssecreconiler.jar [..options..]"); System.err.println(" server: the DNS server to query."); System.err.println(" query: a name [type [flags]] string."); System.err.println(" query_file: a list of queries, one query per line."); System.err.println(" dnskey_file: a file containing DNSKEY RRs to trust."); System.err.println(" dnskey_query: query 'server' for DNSKEY at given name to trust, may repeat"); } public static int main(String[] argv) { DNSSECReconciler dr = new DNSSECReconciler(); try { // Parse the command line options for (String arg : argv) { if (arg.indexOf('=') < 0) { System.err.println("Unrecognized option: " + arg); usage(); return 1; } String[] split_arg = arg.split("[ \t]*=[ \t]*", 2); String opt = split_arg[0]; String optarg = split_arg[1]; if (opt.equals("server")) { dr.server = optarg; } else if (opt.equals("query_file")) { dr.queryFile = optarg; } else if (opt.equals("dnskey_file")) { dr.dnskeyFile = optarg; } else if (opt.equals("dnskey_query")) { if (dr.dnskeyNames == null) { dr.dnskeyNames = new ArrayList(); } dr.dnskeyNames.add(optarg); } else { System.err.println("Unrecognized option: " + opt); usage(); return 1; } } // Check for minimum usage if (dr.server == null) { System.err.println("'server' must be specified"); usage(); return 1; } if (dr.query == null && dr.queryFile == null) { System.err.println("Either 'query' or 'query_file' must be specified"); usage(); return 1; } if (dr.dnskeyFile == null && dr.dnskeyNames == null) { System.err.println("Either 'dnskey_file' or 'dnskey_query' must be specified"); usage(); return 1; } // Execute the job dr.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 1; } return 0; } }